Test je feitenkennis!

Wist jij dat:

Shaving hair will cause it to grow back faster or coarser – NOT TRUE. This myth was busted by a 1928 randomized clinical trial that showed shaved hair did not grow back faster, darker or thicker.

Hair and fingernails continue to grow after we die – NOT TRUE. This is just an optical illusion caused by your skin drying out when you die.

People use only 10 percent of their brains - NOT TRUE. Through the use of MRI scans and other brain imaging techniques, scientists have demonstrated that you use all of your brain.

Eating turkey makes you sleepy - NOT TRUE. While the protein tryptophan has been shown to make you drowsy, turkey doesn't actually have much more than beef or chicken. In fact, pork has even more.

People should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day - NOT TRUE. Your total fluid intake should be about 8 glasses but you count all the liquids you ingest including soda, coffee, and liquid from fruits and vegetables.

Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight – NOT TRUE. While it might temporarily decrease your eyesight acuity, there's no proof that it causes any permanent damage.

en lees verder…



Hier vind je het complete verhaal uit de New York Times online.

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